Why is psychology so popular? A psychology degree not only offers students the opportunity for personal growth, but also opens up a huge range and variety of career opportunities. Are you still wondering if earning a bachelor’s degree in psychology is the right choice for you? Read on for 10 things that earning a psychology degree will allow you to do.

Clinical psychology Sports psychology Forensic psychology Health psychology Industrial-organizational psychology Human factors psychology

Research shows that most psychologists enjoy their work. Around 93% of psychologists in the field report feeling “somewhat” or “very satisfied” with their careers. One benefit of earning a psychology degree is that you can pursue a career path that is aligned with your passions and interests. A student who enjoys working with young children can specialize in developmental psychology with a focus on early childhood development, while another student who is fascinated by the aging process could earn a degree in the same subject with a focus on the elderly. Interestingly, psychologists who specialize in working with aging people may also have particularly great job prospects.

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