Those with SAD are capable of forming relationships but are impaired by anxiety; on the other hand, people with ASD have difficulty with the nuts and bolts of communication that make relationships possible.


Social anxiety disorder is characterized by fear and anxiety of social interactions or performance situations. Your ability to function is limited by your anxiety in those circumstances. Asperger’s disorder, now known as autism spectrum disorder, does not require the presence of anxiety. Behavior in social situations is instead impaired because of trouble reading and understanding social and emotional cues.


The exact causes of ASD and social anxiety disorder are not entirely clear, but researchers believe that several factors are involved.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

There is no single cause of autism spectrum disorder. Studies suggest that autism is hereditary. Research has also shown that people who are described as having Asperger’s, also sometimes called ‘high-functioning autism,’ are even more likely to have family members with behavioral characteristics of autism. Environmental variables, such as medical conditions, exposure to certain chemicals during the prenatal period, and premature birth, have also been linked to Asperger’s and autism. However, more research is needed to clarify these connections.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder is influenced by many factors, including genetics, brain structure, and environment. Factors that may increase the risk of developing the condition include a family history of anxiety, negative experiences with rejecting or bullying, having a shy or withdrawn temperament, and stressful life events.


In order to diagnose ASD or social anxiety disorder, a doctor will evaluate the symptoms and behaviors that you or your child are experiencing. They may ask questions or utilize screening assessments. They may also perform a physical exam and conduct lab tests to rule out other conditions. This means that people with ASD try to logically figure out the meaning of a facial expression rather than experiencing an automatic emotional reaction. Studies have also shown heightened sensitivity of the amygdala in those with SAD; this makes it even more clear that the two disorders are very different.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

ASD is usually diagnosed in childhood. If your child has been diagnosed with this disorder, they might:

Engage in restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior, such as becoming excessively preoccupied with interests, routines and rituals, the parts of objects, or repetitive motor mannerisms such as hand twisting Experience significant impairment in social interaction, such as problems with eye contact, facial expressions, and body postures Have trouble developing friendships, sharing interests, and understanding the social and emotional perspectives of others

Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder is often diagnosed in childhood, but the condition affects people of all ages. To be diagnosed with the condition, a person must:

Have intense fear and anxiety about social situationsAvoid social situations or endure them with great anxietyExperience feelings of fear that are out of proportion to the threat

These symptoms must create distress or disruption in a person’s life and cannot be caused by other conditions.


While Asperger’s disorder and social anxiety share some similarities, the treatments for autism and social anxiety disorder differ.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Asperger’s or autism is a form of neurodivergence. When a person is neurodivergent, it means that their brain learns and processes differently than people who are considered neurotypical. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, so what works best often depends on an individual’s characteristics and needs. The goal is to help people build skills and develop their strengths.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Treatments for social anxiety, however, are focused on helping people change the thoughts and behaviors that contribute to feelings of fear. Cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) can be highly effective, particularly when it incorporates specific strategies such as desensitization and exposure therapy.

Co-Occurring Asperger’s and Social Anxiety

Research has found that it is common for children and adults diagnosed with ASD to also experience social anxiety. This means that it is possible for a child to have both ASD and SAD. Whether or not a child has one disorder or both, social skills training is one form of treatment that may offer promise for both SAD and ASD. Although the cause of social impairment in ASD and SAD differs, many of the same symptoms are present in both disorders. If you have ASD or SAD, you likely have a host of social skills deficits, such as problems with:

Body postures  Eye contact Speech qualities, such as tone, volume, and rate


Because the exact causes of Asperger’s disorder is not known, there is no way to prevent it. Similarly, there is no sure-fire way to prevent social anxiety, but people can take steps to address the condition when symptoms first emerge. Early treatment for social anxiety can prevent symptoms from worsening and causing more significant life disruptions. 


SAD and ASD are separate problems that show some overlap and may share some treatments. Once you’ve identified your specific issues, treatment can be devised to help you overcome your difficulties in social situations.

A Word From Verywell

Whether you have a child who is showing signs of anxiety or trouble with social situations, or you are struggling yourself, it is important to consult a doctor to learn the meaning of your particular array of symptoms.