There are three types of phobias, as defined by the DSM-5: specific phobia, social phobia, and agoraphobia. Each type of phobia has its own unique diagnostic criteria. The fact that the fear is concrete separates phobias from disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder, in which the anxiety is more broad-based. People who experience phobias are able to pinpoint an exact object or situation that they fear. Being able to recognize the fear as irrational separates anxiety disorders from psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia. People with psychotic disorders genuinely believe that the fear is based on a real danger, though the nature of the danger appears illogical to others.

Life-Limiting: A phobia is not diagnosed unless it significantly impacts the sufferer’s life in some way. Avoidance: Some people with clinically diagnosable phobias are able to endure the feared situation. However, attempts to avoid the feared situation are an important criterion for diagnosing a phobia. Anticipatory Anxiety: People with phobias tend to dwell on upcoming events that may feature the feared object or situation.

There are five different types of specific phobias: the natural/environmental type (such as hurricanes and lightning), the injury type (such as injections, or dental work), the animal type (such as dogs, snakes, or spiders), the situational type (such as enclosed spaces or driving), and the other type (such as choking or loud noises). People with specific phobias often have other anxiety disorders as well, making it difficult to accurately pinpoint the diagnosis. It is characterized by marked anxiety or fear about one or more social situations in which the individual might be scrutinized by other people. This can include talking to other people, eating or drinking in front of others, or performing in front of others. People with this type of phobia feel intense anxiety when forced to endure social situations. These situations almost always trigger the fear response and the amount of anxiety the person experiences is out of proportion to the actual threat that the situation poses. Social phobia may relate to only one type of situation, or it may be generalized to include all or most social settings. In order to be diagnosed with social anxiety disorder, the symptoms must be present for six months or longer and must not be better explained by another disorder such as panic disorder. Symptoms that a person might experience when faced with a situation they fear include rapid heartbeat, shaking, shortness of breath, numbness, stomach upset, a sense of unreality, and a fear of losing control. The avoidance behaviors and anticipatory anxiety that characterize agoraphobia make it difficult for people with the condition to function normally, leading to significant disruptions in normal routines and relationships as well as work and social activities. In order to be diagnosed with agoraphobia, symptoms need to be present for a minimum of six months and should not be better explained by another underlying condition.

A Word From Verywell

If you suspect that you have a phobia, talk to your doctor or mental health professional. These conditions can lead to significant distress and disruptions in your normal life, but effective treatment options are available including behavioral therapy and medications.