Deleting saved posts on Instagram is a simple process that can help you declutter your saved content and organize your Instagram feed. This article will go through the step-by-step process of deleting all saved posts on Instagram. So if you’re ready to say goodbye to your saved posts, let’s get started!

Step 1: Navigate to Your Saved Posts

The first step in deleting all saved posts on Instagram is to navigate to your saved posts section. To do this, go to your profile and tap on the “Saved” option, which is located under your bio and website information. This will bring up a page with all of your saved posts. Once you are in the saved posts section, you will see all the posts you have saved over time. From here, you can begin selecting and deleting individual posts. To select a single post to delete, tap on the post and then tap on the “Save” icon (which looks like a bookmark) to deselect it. The post will then be removed from your saved posts. If you want to delete multiple posts at once, you can tap and hold on a post and then select additional posts by tapping on them. Once you have selected all the posts you want to delete, you can proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Select the Posts You Want to Delete

Now that you have selected the posts you want to delete, it’s time to delete them. To delete the selected posts, tap on the trash icon (which looks like a garbage can). This will bring up a pop-up window asking you to confirm the deletion. Simply tap “Delete” to permanently remove the selected posts from your saved posts. Keep in mind that this process will need to be repeated until all saved posts have been deleted. It may be helpful to use the search function to locate specific posts to delete, as this can make the process go faster. Simply type in a keyword or hashtag in the search bar and all relevant saved posts will be displayed. From there, you can select and delete the posts as described above. Deleting saved posts on Instagram is a straightforward process that can help you declutter your saved content and keep your feed organized. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily delete all saved posts on Instagram and start fresh.

Step 3: Delete the Selected Posts

Once you have deleted the selected posts, you will need to repeat the process of selecting and deleting posts until all saved posts have been deleted. This may take some time depending on how many saved posts you have, but it is a necessary step in order to completely remove all saved posts from your account. To make the process go faster, you may find it helpful to use the search function to locate specific posts to delete. Simply type in a keyword or hashtag in the search bar and all relevant saved posts will be displayed. From there, you can select and delete the posts as described in the previous steps. Keep in mind that deleting saved posts is a permanent action and cannot be undone. Make sure to double check that you really want to delete a post before confirming the deletion. Once a post is deleted, it will be removed from your saved posts and cannot be retrieved. By following these steps and repeating the process until all saved posts have been deleted, you will be able to successfully remove all saved posts from your Instagram account. This can be a helpful way to declutter your saved content and keep your feed organized.

Step 4: Repeat Until All Posts Are Deleted


Deleting all saved posts on Instagram is a simple process that can help you declutter your saved content and keep your feed organized. By following the step-by-step instructions outlined in this article, you can easily remove all saved posts from your Instagram account and start fresh. Whether you want to delete individual posts or clear out your entire saved posts section, this process can help you achieve your goal. So if you’re ready to say goodbye to your saved posts, give these steps a try and start decluttering your Instagram content today.