If you’ve decided, with your doctor to come off your medication, the quitting process can be difficult. Common symptoms of withdrawal include dizziness, muscle tension, chills, crying, and brain fog.

Causes of Lexapro Withdrawal Symptoms

Antidepressants are among the most commonly prescribed medications in the United States. Of the more than 40 million people who take them in a given month, about one-quarter have been taking them for more than 10 years. Often, long-term use is linked to fear of relapse of their symptoms or withdrawal. People experience symptoms of Lexapro withdrawal because of the way SSRIs work in the brain. These drugs affect the levels of serotonin, a type of mood-regulating neurotransmitter in the brain. Most SSRIs take time to build up in the body; that’s why people typically don’t notice a reduction in symptoms of depression and anxiety for a few weeks after starting on it. Likewise, abruptly stopping your medication doesn’t give your brain enough time to adjust to the sudden change.

Signs & Symptoms of Lexapro Withdrawal

Different SSRI medications affect the brain in different ways. If you are one of the people who experience withdrawal symptoms, you can expect those symptoms to range from mild to severe. On a range of lowest to highest chance of severe withdrawal symptoms, Lexapro sits around the middle. Research shows that the severity of SSRI withdrawal is much worse than previously believed. On average, about 46% of people experiencing SSRI withdrawal symptoms describe them as severe. Severe symptoms indicate that withdrawal can potentially interfere with your ability to meet responsibilities at home and at work.  There is a checklist for measuring the severity of antidepressant withdrawal that you may find helpful. It is known as the Discontinuation-Emergent Signs and Symptoms Scale (DESS).

Most Common Symptoms

The most common symptoms of Lexapro withdrawal—occurring in more than one in four people—are:

DizzinessMuscle tension ChillsConfusionTrouble concentratingTrouble remembering thingsCrying

Dizziness, muscle tension, and chills each affect about 44% of people discontinuing Lexapro. Many people also experience confusion and difficulty concentrating.

Less Common Symptoms

The following is a more complete list of symptoms associated with SSRI withdrawal:

Changes in motor control: Temors, muscle tension, restless legs, unsteady gait, or difficulty controlling speech and chewing movementsDigestive issues: Nausea, vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, or appetite lossFlu-like symptoms: Headache, muscle pain, weakness, and tiredness.Instability: Dizziness, lightheadedness, difficulty walkingMood changes: Anxiety, agitation, panic, suicidal ideation, depression, irritability, anger, mania, or mood swingsSleep problems: Nightmares, unusual dreams, excessive/vivid dreams, or insomniaUnusual sensations: Brain zaps (like an electrical shock or shiver in your brain), pins and needles, ringing in the ears, strange tastes, or hypersensitivity to sound

Lexapro withdrawal can take a real toll on your life, both physically and emotionally. SSRIs like Lexapro work by increasing serotonin levels in your brain. When you stop taking them, it takes your brain a while to get used to the drug’s absence. Unfortunately, the amount of time this takes can vary widely.

Coping & Relief

The best way to find relief from Lexapro withdrawal is to avoid it altogether. Quitting cold turkey may increase the likelihood of severe withdrawal. Instead, set up an appointment with your prescribing doctor to discuss your reasons for quitting and your quitting plan. If you are still experiencing symptoms of depression, your doctor may want to transition you to another medication or combination of medications.

Taper Off Medication Slowly

The most effective way to minimize symptoms of withdrawal is to slowly taper off your medication. Tapering involves adjusting your dose by a small amount, gradually decreasing until your body gets used to lower levels of the medication. Your doctor can create a dose schedule and carefully monitor the process to avoid severe symptoms.

Practice Good Self-Care

Taking good care of your health as you stop taking Lexapro can also help you to better manage any withdrawal symptoms that you experience. Some steps you can take that might help you cope with withdrawal symptoms include:

Eat a healthy and nutritious diet.Follow your doctor’s tapering recommendations.Get plenty of rest.Get regular exercise.Get support from family, friends, or support groups.


When you stop or reduce your dose of Lexapro, there is a risk that you may begin to feel suicidal. Large-scale research studies have found a clear association between the discontinuation of antidepressants and suicide attempts. It is important to keep this in mind during your withdrawal experience. If you begin noticing unusually strong symptoms of depression, it is imperative to seek help immediately.  If you or someone you love shows any of the following signs or symptoms after stopping Lexapro, get help right away:

Becoming preoccupied with death, dying, or violenceEngaging in risky or self-destructive activities, such as driving drunkFeeling hopeless or trappedGathering the means to commit suicide, such as bullets or pillsGetting affairs in order or giving away belongingsHaving intense mood swingsPlanning how you would commit suicide if you were going to do itSaying goodbye to people as if it were the last time Talking or thinking about suicide more than normal, for example, “I wish I were dead”

Long-Term Treatment

About 50% of people who recover from one episode of depression will have more depressive episodes in their lifetime. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database. If Lexapro didn’t help or you had to stop taking it because of unwanted side effects, then you will need to develop a long-term plan to treat your depression or anxiety. This may include trying different antidepressants or combinations of antidepressants. Talk therapy is also an effective treatment for depression and anxiety. Not every therapist is going to be a good match for you, so take the time to find a therapist who you will enjoy working with. You may need to try out a few people before you find the right fit.  


If your doctor isn’t helping, consider finding a new psychiatrist, psychologist, or therapist. If you have health insurance, you can search the company’s list of local providers who accept your insurance. In addition to your doctor and mental health professionals, there are also a number of online resources that can help support you during Lexapro withdrawal. Support groups can be a helpful source of information and peer support during your recovery.

A Word From Verywell

Lexapro has helped millions of people get their lives back. But what happens next? Most people don’t want to be on antidepressants for the rest of their lives, but they are afraid of what will happen when they finally quit, such as relapse or withdrawal. Getting off antidepressants can be challenging, but with proper planning, it is possible to have a seamless transition. Talk to your doctor about a slow and lengthy taper. You’ll be down to zero milligrams before you know it.