In the United States, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience extreme physical violence from their partner. This leaves a worryingly high number of people with scratches, burns, scars, etc., inflicted by their partners. But while the signs of physical abuse are typically visible, an effect of malicious mistreatment by a partner is often emotional and largely out of sight. In this guide, we’ll be examining the different ways abuse takes a toll on mental well-being. Plus, we’ll be highlighting ways to seek help when living in an abusive situation.

Physical Abuse

This is perhaps the most overt form of abuse. Physical abuse employs the use of force to humiliate, control, or coerce a victim to act in a particular way. It is intentionally causing bodily injury to a partner to establish dominance over them.

Forms of Physical Abuse

Here are some common forms of physical abuse:

ChokingSlappingBitingThrowing objects

Effects of Physical Abuse

When a person constantly receives or is at the risk of receiving blows to the body, slaps to the face, or another form of cruel physical contact, there is a high chance that their body will host various injuries in many states of healing. For women especially, physical violence and the threat of it come with a different set of challenges. Receiving constant violence and the stress of expecting harm has been linked to chronic health challenges like back pain and headaches. Women who were victimized by their partners also report higher rates of depression and anxiety due to this treatment. People that have been battered by their partners may also experience stress, PTSD, eating disorders, among other symptoms. Physical violence may disrupt sleep patterns and has been linked with insomnia. In addition, there is a high risk of engaging in substance abuse following repeated physical violence from a partner. Abuse victims may also find that they are restless during daily activities or unable to achieve much due to fatigue.

Emotional Abuse

Because emotional abuse can take many forms, it’s often hard to give a fitting description of this form of maltreatment. For a general idea, emotional abuse may occur where a person’s emotions are manipulated by a pattern of abusive and bullying words or behavior. It is controlling and acts as a way of punishing a person through humiliating tactics and threats. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database. Someone that employs emotional abuse may chip away at their victim’s sense of reality, and personal value by disregarding requests or needs. They may start unnecessary arguments, or make overly critical comments on their partner’s appearance. They tend to go in and out of unpredictable moods, or may make unreasonable demands of their partners. In some cases, they may employ extreme criticism when these demands are not met to their standards. Emotional abuse may take different forms that can cause a victim to feel wounded, worthless, and anxious.

Forms of Emotional Abuse

Silent treatment Withholding affection Routinely making threats Cruel name-calling Gaslighting Intimidation Threatening to harm a partner Isolating the victim from friends and family

Effects of Emotional Abuse

Being surrounded by a partner with turbulent mood changes can be mentally taxing. When a partner can cleverly construct their words to debase and demoralize, or otherwise warp their victim’s reality, it can have far-reaching effects. Victims of emotional abuse are likely to experience depression and anxiety. It isn’t uncommon for an abused partner to develop phobias, or alcohol and substance use disorders. An emotionally abused person may also self-harm or engage in reckless sexual practices following emotional harm.  Very worryingly, a person that has experienced emotional abuse may begin to harbor suicidal thoughts and can even attempt to end their life as a result of the pain.

Sexual Abuse

Some of the most brutal forms of domestic violence come in the many variations of sexual abuse. Sexual abuse occurs where a person is forced to perform sexual acts against their wishes. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database. While rape is the most recognizable form of sexual abuse, this form of violence may appear in other ways.

Forms of Sexual Abuse

Insisting a partner dress in a preferred wayDemanding sex when a partner is ill or tiredUnwelcome sexual photographySharing nude photos without consentForcing a partner to watch pornographic content

Effects of Sexual Abuse

When a person’s sexual autonomy is forcibly overtaken by a partner or another person, this can produce understandably adverse reactions in the body and mind. A victim of sexual abuse may also find it difficult to hold on to relationships and can begin to struggle with depression and anxiety. While navigating the anger and disbelief of their partner’s actions, victims may experience PTSD, sexual dysfunction, and poor sleep patterns. In severe cases, this extreme breach of trust and humanity can cause a victim of sexual assault to make attempts at ending their life.

Financial Abuse

An easily overlooked, yet dangerous form of abuse occurs where a partner has limited or no access to funds in a relationship. In such a situation, one partner has the majority control over the money in the relationship, and how it is dispersed for needs.  For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database. This mistreatment may also crop up where one partner is prevented from opportunities that might grant financial independence.  Financial abuse forces a person to become heavily reliant on their partner for funds to buy everyday items like clothing, groceries. This ultimately affects the victim’s ability to survive.

Forms of Financial Abuse

Controlling how funds are spent at homeDenying a partner access to shared accountsBeing financially reckless with joint fundsPreventing a partner from taking up employment opportunitiesPlacing a partner on an allowance from the income they earned

Effects of Financial Abuse

It can be mentally and emotionally devastating when one person can decide to withhold money for the food their partner eats, how much they can spend on new clothes, or even decree a haircut as an unnecessary monthly expense. Intimate partners—usually women, on the receiving end of financial abuse may be found in a constant state of anxiety and distress over their economic state. The reality is that they lack the resources to leave their partners and feel trapped. This feeling can lead to depression. Financial abuse can also significantly affect the household by impacting the ability to carry out parental roles adequately.

A Word From Verywell

Abuse in any form can be incredibly damaging to someone’s emotional and physical health. If you are a victim of abuse, please remember that it is not your fault and that there are resources that are available to help you.