Anger Problems in Veterans

A group of researchers looked at rates of PTSD and anger problems among a group of 117 Iraq and Afghanistan War veterans. Similar to other reports, the veterans they studied exhibited high rates of PTSD. In fact, about 40 percent had PTSD and an additional 18% had what is often referred to as subthreshold PTSD (they were struggling with some severe symptoms of PTSD but not quite enough symptoms to meet criteria for a full PTSD diagnosis). In addition, over half of the veterans with PTSD indicated that they had been aggressive in the past four months, such as threatening physical violence, destroying property, or having a physical fight with someone. Veterans experiencing subthreshold PTSD reported just about the same amount of aggressive behavior as the veterans diagnosed with PTSD. Veterans with PTSD and those with subthreshold PTSD were much more likely to be aggressive than those veterans without PTSD. Anger may also be a way of trying to express or release tension connected to uncomfortable emotions often associated with PTSD, such as shame and guilt.

Dealing With Anger

Individuals with PTSD may be more likely to have problems controlling anger, and this study shows that problems with anger may occur soon after returning from combat. Anger can be a very difficult emotion to deal with and can lead to a number of legal and interpersonal problems, such as domestic violence. There are, however, a number of ways to manage anger. First, addressing symptoms of PTSD through therapy may also help reduce feelings of anger. Many treatments for PTSD even incorporate anger management skills. Learning more effective ways of coping with stress may also be helpful in managing anger and aggressive behavior. Some coping skills that may be particularly helpful are deep breathing, mindfulness, taking “time-outs,“ and identifying the short- and long-term negative and positive consequences of different behaviors. The National Center for PTSD also provides some excellent information on the relationship between PTSD and anger, as well as a number of suggestions on how to better manage anger and aggressive behavior.