“Himalayan salt lamps are a wonderful way to promote relaxation in your bedroom, office, and home,” Katie Ziskind, LMFT, a licensed marriage and family therapist and owner of Wisdom Within Counseling tells Verywell Mind. “Now, buying a Himalayan salt lamp is not a cure all for severe depression or severe mental illness, but it can help to bring more relaxation and soft lighting into your home, which naturally helps to lower anxiety and stress.” While some claim that Himalayan salt lamps can pull allergen particles and toxins out of the air, as well as release negative ions into the air—both of which they believe improve air quality—there is no empirical research or scientific data backing that up. Still, Julian Lagoy, MD, a psychiatrist with Mindpath Health, says he would still recommend using Himalayan salt lamps to some of his patients. “Anything that helps one relax and de-stress is beneficial,” Lagoy tells Verywell Mind. “The only time I would see an issue is if somebody reports they have a serious illness like major depressive disorder or cancer, and wants to use a salt lamp as their only treatment.” A quick search for Himalayan salt lamps yields countless results, so how do you know which one is right for you? To help you make that decision, we’ve put together a list of some of the best Himalayan salt lamps on the market, and asked experts to answer questions about how they work, and what to look for when making a purchase. Here’s what to know. Price at time of publication: $35 This budget-friendly lamp is a good option for anyone who’s curious about the benefits of a salt lamp. It’s made from Himalayan salt mines and it features a naturally cut surface. Price at time of publication: $25 Each unit contains a power switch, but the level of light cannot be controlled with a dimmer. They also come in two style options—natural rock and cylinder-shaped if you prefer a modern style lamp. Price at time of publication: $29 Best made for areas that receive more foot traffic, this salt lamp is perfect for an entryway table or as a living room table centerpiece. The subtle orange glow also works as a nightlight or meditation light. Price at time of publication: $38 Price at time of publication: $25 Price at time of publication: $16 Price at time of publication: $90 Price at time of publication: $45 And speaking of material, Ziskind says that if you’re purchasing a salt lamp in person and have the opportunity to take a look inside the box, check to make sure that it isn’t cracked. “The salt can break, so sometimes people buy a lamp that is already broken by accident,” she notes.


In terms of illumination, Amber Dunford, a psychologist specializing in design psychology and style director at Overstock.com, always suggests leaning towards a warmer lighting scheme versus a cooler blue scheme. “Humans tend to feel more intimate and self-disclose more under warm light, making it a great choice for achieving a calming and relaxing space,” she tells Verywell Mind. “Our eyes tend to relax more around warm light sources and we actually look better under warm lighting, as it softens the skin tone and reduces imperfections.” Specifically, Dunford recommends choosing a lamp that comes with a sustainable warm-colored LED bulb “for a more earth-friendly addition to your space.” And because some lamps are brighter than others, get one with a dimmer switch if you plan on using it in your bedroom, so you’re able to adjust the light as you’re getting ready to sleep.


Himalayan salt lamps come in two forms: natural and crafted. The “natural” variety looks like a large chunk of pinkish salt: unpolished and asymmetrical, with jagged edges. It’s what you picture when you think of a Himalayan salt lamp. But because Himalayan rock salt is relatively soft, it’s easy to carve, and can be made into any number of different shapes and forms. This means you can find Himalayan salt lamps in the shape of flowers, hearts, pyramids, animals, symbols, and a number of other objects. Both natural and carved Himalayan salt lamps give off the same relaxing glow, so it’s up to you to pick the shape that best suits a specific room. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that if you have small children or pets who may touch or run into the salt lamp, the pointy edges of a natural lamp may hurt more in an accident.

Why Trust Verywell Mind

As a seasoned health writer and editor with a special focus on mental health and well-being, Elizabeth Yuko understands how powerful stress-relieving activities can be for many people—as well as the fact that they’re not one-size-fits-all. With decades of first-hand experience dealing with anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder, she’s always on the lookout for new (and research-backed) products, techniques, and services that can help people cope with stress and other mental health challenges. Consequently, Lagoy says that stress relief is vital and helps preserve your body and your brain. “Your body will release oxytocin and lower levels of cortisol which is the stress hormone,” he explains. “This will help your body relieve fatigue, headache and muscle pain. This decreases stress on your brain which improves cognition and decreases risk of mental illness.” In addition, Dunford says that the muted light Himalayan salt lamps give off can have a calming effect in a bedroom, and provides a great way to cue the brain that it’s time to begin your bedtime routine. “It could also be a relaxing alternative to candles around a bathtub,” she notes. “It offers an alternative to the harsh overhead lighting and promotes relaxation.” But given that authentic Himalayan salt lamps tend to sweat in humid areas, Ziskind says that it’s also important to understand that the salt sweat can stain, and recommends keeping a washcloth or a dry clean towel underneath your lamp, just in case. “Keeping the light on will help reduce sweating and keeping it out of the sun can help, too,” she explains. “Ensuring you have your Himalayan salt lamp on something will help to protect wherever it is sitting from the salt it might melt off of it.” And while Kristine Ovsepian, CHT, a certified hypnotherapist who has used Himalayan salt lamps in practice, agrees, she also notes that as with any electric lamp, they “should be kept away from sinks and bathtubs,” and never submerged in water. Along the same lines, Lagoy says that some find having the soft glow of a Himalayan salt lamp inside their home soothing and healing. “Being in nature or around objects that remind one of nature can help an individual de-stress,” he explains. Take the bedroom, for example. “Let’s say you want to replace a fluorescent light and an overhead light with something more soft and calming,” Ziskind says. “A Himalayan salt lamp is a great choice for your nightstand.” Although, as she points out, it will not provide as much (or, in some cases, sufficient) light for reading, it’s a soothing way to end your day, eventually turning the lamp off before you drift off to sleep.