“The pick unpacks the five spiritual mindsets and offers up meditations and quizzes to help the reader learn more about themself.” In Courage Journal: A Daily Practice for Self-Discovery “Touching on everyday themes like stress and burnout, it also offers motivational excerpts, mantras, and affirmations.” Go All In Journal “With space for jotting down your long term goals and dreams, the journal’s meant to be written in every day.” Journey to the Heart: Daily Meditations on the Path to Freeing Your Soul “Each day, Beattie offers up a new meditation that leads readers back to a place of compassion and mental well-being.” Turning the Mind Into an Ally “Written for those unfamiliar with meditation, this book breaks down the foundations of the practice in an understandable way.” The Mind-Gut Connection “A must-read for understanding how the brain and gut are connected, the author shares how to implement changes for better immunity.” Clean Mind, Clean Body: A 28-Day Plan for Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Self-Care “Stiles preaches the importance of self-care, and shares her four-week detox for the body, mind, and spirit.” Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art “Ideal for those looking to get started with breath work, the author explains the history and offers several techniques.” If you’re looking to learn more about mindfulness and figure out how to implement it more regularly in your life, finding a book that explains different aspects could be extremely helpful. Also, worthwhile, as research shows that mindfulness can help improve our immunity response and reduce cell aging. With a little help from top experts, you may just find new ways to make the most of each day. Here, the best mindfulness book options on the market. Price at time of publication: $18 Price at time of publication: $15 Each morning, the journal asks you to focus on one of three things: gratitude, dreams for the future, and one big goal. For more guidance on your journey, Hollis offers up supplementary podcast episodes and information on her website.  Price at time of publication: $17 Price at time of publication: $17 Price at time of publication: $18 Price at time of publication: $18 Price at time of publication: $28

First ask yourself: ‘What do I want to get from this book?’

The best thing you can do when hunting for your perfect mindfulness book is to know exactly what it is you’re hoping to get by reaching for a certain title, says Tara Stiles, cofounder of Strala Yoga, mindfulness expert and author of “Clean Mind, Clean Body.” “If you want to change a certain area of your life, it’s nice to go in thinking ‘OK, I want a 30-day plan,’ or ‘I’m just looking for some inspiration,’ and seeking something that fits with that,” she says. “Just like you wouldn’t go pick up Chinese food from a pizza place, there won’t be one book with all of the answers. But there is something for everyone, as long as you get specific.”

A book that empowers you

You also want to look for a book that makes you feel empowered, not completely out of the loop. Each person’s journey with mindfulness will be different, and you want to learn from an author who you can relate to. “The person writing a book could be nice and great, but you won’t connect with everyone,” says Stiles. “I often think about a scenario where if I were to meet this author, would I be excited to sit down and have tea or a conversation. I’d want to feel like they would give me the time of day.”

Why Trust Verywell Mind? 

As veteran wellness journalist and certified trainer with a decade’s worth of reporting under her belt, Emily Abbate understands the importance of reliable reviews that empower us to live healthier, happier lives. She’s always exploring the latest and greatest wellness tools, gadgets, and machines, and understands the value that a good investment can add to your wellbeing. These activities include physical sensations, impulses to move or speak, images, moods, emotions, thoughts, and judgements of others. The second core principle of mindfulness is not reacting. Non-reactivity distinguishes mindfulness from reflection, and is the discipline to not react to or feed any of the associations or responses of the mind during the experience of being mindful (mindfulness practice). The third core principle of mindfulness is to not let your attention wander. “When your attention wanders during a mindfulness practice, you notice it and gently bring your attention back to the mindfulness practice,” says Irani. To find success in your practice, Irani recommends to start slow and aim low. Five minutes daily for several weeks and you will be well on your way to being a more mindful person.