In the portion of her book excerpted in the August 20, 2004 issue of People, Pauley writes that she experienced hypomania following the first administration of steroids for her hives and depression with the second. The depression was serious enough that she was prescribed a low-dose antidepressant, and she rebounded into an agitated mixed state and rapid cycling. Her doctor explained that the antidepressant “unmasked a never-before-suspected vulnerability to bipolar depression.” But, according to Pauley’s account, the mood swings began with the steroids. She was hospitalized at the time and stabilized on lithium.

What Are Steroids?

When taken in as a medication, steroids (also known as corticosteroids) are synthetic drugs that are similar to cortisol, a hormone naturally produced in the body. While the term “steroid” is typically equated with its drug form, the body also makes steroids naturally. Studies have shown that corticosteroids, like the one Pauley was prescribed, can induce psychiatric symptoms. The use of steroids is associated with mood disturbances and psychosis. Mania and depression can be triggered by the initiation as well as the withdrawal of steroids.


Corticosteroids are used in the treatment of a wide variety of medical conditions including:

Asthma Emphysema Crohn’s disease Bursitis Tendinitis Ulcerative colitis Hives Insect bites Nasal allergies Eczema Psoriasis

What the Research Says

Single-use steroids are highly unlikely to cause any kind of mental disturbance. Rather, it is the prolonged and steady administration of steroids that may cause these uncommon psychiatric side effects. By her own account, Pauley was taking steroids for five months before the mood swings began. A 2006 meta-analysis found psychiatric adverse effects common from steroid use, with hypomania and euphoria being the most common. Long-term use, however, has been associated with depression. It also found that the severity of the adverse effects related to the dosage. According to a 2003 case report, while the underlying mechanism is still unclear, adverse psychological symptoms associated with corticosteroid use is potentially reversible with dose reduction or discontinuation of the drug. However, treatment of psychiatric symptoms is often required. Rather, more often, it is the prolonged and steady administration of steroids that may cause these psychiatric side effects. By her own account, Pauley was taking steroids for five months before the mood swings began. Another 2004 study also indicated that some of the changes noted in the hippocampus can be prevented with “selective antidepressant and anticonvulsant drug treatments” such as Eskalith (lithium). It is important to be aware of the potential psychiatric impact of steroids, and continued research holds better promise for understanding these potential psychiatric side effects.