ADHD usually develops in childhood but can continue into adulthood. People with this condition often struggle with impulsive behaviors, being too active, and finding it hard to pay attention. ADHD doesn’t look the same in everyone. The type of ADHD a person has depends on the primary symptoms and behaviors they exhibit.  There are three major ways in which ADHD symptoms can present. These ways were previously referred to as “subtypes” in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) but are called “presentations” in the current DSM-5. We’ll use them synonymously here.

The Three ADHD Subtypes

As all ADHD symptoms vary from person to person, it’s important to learn about the characteristics of each presentation so you can recognize which one you or a loved one might be dealing with.

Inattentive Type ADHD

People with this presentation do not show any signs of hyperactivity or impulsivity. They instead tend to have difficulty maintaining focus and being attentive. It’s often difficult for people with inattentive type ADHD to pay attention and engage in organized activities for long periods of time. Some behaviors and symptoms people with this presentation of ADHD might exhibit include: 

Short attention span Easily distracted Unable to pay close attention to details Difficulty listening when being spoken to Forgetful when performing everyday activities Often careless and constantly losing things like keys, books, and phonesStruggles with engaging in organized tasks and activities Finds it difficult to follow instructions 

Impulsive/Hyperactive Type ADHD 

People with this form of the condition will exhibit hyperactive and impulsive behaviors, but no symptoms of inattention. You’d find people with this form of the condition moving around constantly and fidgeting excessively. This presentation is typically characterized by the following symptoms of impulsivity: 

Interrupting or intruding on others Acting without thinking Being impatient and having difficulty waiting their turn Blurting out the answer to a question before it has been completed

Symptoms of hyperactivity usually include the following behaviors: 

Restlessness Talking excessively Being unable to focus on one task at a time Excessive fidgeting Being unable to engage in any activities quietly 

Combined Type ADHD 

This is the most common form of the condition. People with this type of ADHD experience a combination of impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inattention symptoms.


The exact cause of ADHD is unknown. However, current research shows that genetics might play a role in a person developing the condition. In other words, if you have a family history of the condition, then you may be more likely to develop it. The condition may also contribute to the development of other conditions like anxiety disorder, depression, or substance abuse.


If you suspect your child has ADHD, you will need to take them to a qualified pediatrician or mental health expert to get a diagnosis. They’ll typically ask for a detailed history of your child’s symptoms and put your child through a series of tests to observe their behaviors.  Medical experts use the DSM-5 criteria to make a conclusive diagnosis of ADHD. The manual details nine behaviors and symptoms for hyperactivity/impulsivity as well as nine behaviors and symptoms for inattention. A child is diagnosed with ADHD when they display at least six of the behaviors and symptoms listed for either type. While an adult or teenager is required to exhibit at least five of these symptoms, the symptoms must also be so severe as to disrupt a person’s regular functioning. 


ADHD is a genetic neurotype and does not need a cure. The struggles of ADHD are often caused by society not being made for an ADHD brain, rather than ADHD being a deficit in and of itself. However, ADHD folks can still benefit from different strategies to adjust their lifestyle to better suit their neurotype. ADHD is typically treated with a combination of medication and behavior therapy. However, there is no one-size-fits-all form of treatment. Finding the ideal treatment for you or your child’s ADHD depends on many factors. Your doctor will consider your or your child’s age, the severity of the symptoms, and medication intolerances before recommending a treatment plan. Treatment could include either one or a combination of the following options.


There are two types of medication typically used to treat ADHD: stimulant and non-stimulant. 

Stimulant medications: This is the most common type of medication used to treat ADHD. Stimulants work by increasing the production of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. These are chemical messengers that play a vital role in regulating thinking and attention. Some common examples are Ritalin (methylphenidate), Adderall (amphetamine), and Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine). Non-stimulant medications: Non-stimulants might take a little longer than stimulants to work but are effective in improving focus and attention. They are typically recommended for people who experience intolerable side effects on stimulants. Examples include Strattera (atomoxetine), Intuniv (guanfacine), and Qelbree (viloxazine).

Behavior Management 

Parents of children with ADHD are usually advised to take behavior management classes to help their children with their ADHD symptoms instead of using a behavior therapist. The aim is to replace maladaptive behaviors with more helpful ones. This is done by monitoring their actions and engaging in practical tasks that can help children function more effectively in their environment. However, behavior management is only one strategy of many for helping parents with their ADHD child, as well as ADHD adults. It is generally more helpful for ADHD kids and adults to adjust their lifestyle—such as setting different goals and using different strategies—in order to work with their brain rather than trying to train it to do something that it is not designed to do.  Other options that can be helpful include utilizing neurodiversity-affirming practices to develop self-regulation strategies, modifying environments to be supportive, and working with affirming healthcare practitioners. It is also important to note that there is no therapy or treatment to “solve ADHD.” Rather, depending on the concerns that are occurring, there are different treatment options that can solve those specific issues. 

A Word From Verywell 

Parenting a child with ADHD can present challenges, but appreciating a child’s strengths and finding solutions to help them adapt to their environment can help parents and children cope more effectively. Practicing healthy habits like exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, and getting enough sleep is also important for managing symptoms of ADHD. If you suspect you or your child is exhibiting symptoms of the condition, you should see a medical expert as soon as you can for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.