This idea that men need to act tough and avoid showing all emotions can be harmful to their mental health and can have serious consequences for society, which is how it became known as “toxic masculinity.”

What Is Toxic Masculinity?

Toxic masculinity isn’t just about behaving like a man. Instead, it involves the extreme pressure some men may feel to act in a way that is actually harmful. There are many definitions of “toxic masculinity” that appear in research as well as pop culture. Some researchers have come to agree that toxic masculinity has three core components:

Glorification of Unhealthy Habits 

Toxic masculinity glorifies unhealthy habits. It’s the notion that “self-care is for women” and men should treat their bodies like machines by skimping on sleep, working out even when they’re injured, and pushing themselves to their physical limits.  In addition to pushing themselves hard physically, toxic masculinity discourages men from seeing doctors.  A 2011 study found that men who held the strongest beliefs about masculinity were only half as likely as men with more moderate beliefs about masculinity to get preventative health care. Seeing a physician for an annual physical, for example, runs contrary to some men’s beliefs about toughness. In addition to avoiding preventative treatment, toxic masculinity also encourages unhealthy behaviors. A 2007 study found that the more men conformed to masculine norms, the more likely they were to engage in risky behaviors, such as heavy drinking, using tobacco, and avoiding vegetables. In addition, they were more likely to view such risky choices as being “normal.”

Mental Health Stigma

Toxic masculinity also discourages men from getting mental health treatment. Depression, anxiety, substance use issues, and mental health problems may be viewed as weaknesses. Toxic masculinity may also stress that it’s inappropriate for men to talk about their feelings. Avoiding conversations about problems or emotions may increase feelings of isolation and loneliness.  It may also reduce men’s willingness to reach out and get help when they’re experiencing a mental health issue.

Race, Ethnicity, and Gender

A man’s race and ethnicity may play a role in how he views masculinity as well as how others perceive him.                                                 A 2013 study found that among white college students, Asian-American men are viewed as less manly than white or Black American men. The masculine requirement to remain stoic and be a good provider can lead to “John Henryism” in African-American men. This term is used to describe men who use high effort as a way to cope with problems and they continue to do so in the face of chronic stress and discrimination. A 2016 study linked “John Henryism” to an increased risk of hypertension and depression. The 2015 National School Climate Survey found that 85% of LGBTQ+ students reported being verbally harassed at school over their gender expression or sexual orientation. Gender non-conforming students reported worse treatment than the kids who conform to traditional gender norms while also identifying as LGBTQ+.

Helping Behavior

Men who view themselves as more masculine are less likely to engage in what researchers call “helping behavior.” That means they are not likely to intervene when they witness bullying or when they see someone being assaulted. A 2019 study found that toxic masculinity can prevent men from consoling a victim, calling for help, and standing up to the perpetrator. Men who endorsed the belief that men should be strong and aggressive were more likely to perceive negative social consequences associated with intervening as an active bystander. In instances of sexual assault, for example, men who identified the most with masculine behaviors were less likely to stop the assault. The study found that men wouldn’t intervene in any conflict if they thought their reputation as being traditionally masculine might be compromised.

Toxic Masculinity Examples

Unfortunately, there can be toxic masculinity in relationships, schools, and workplaces. Here are some everyday examples:

When a boy in school doesn’t act in traditionally masculine ways, and he is bullied by the boys in his class for being “too feminine"When a boy cries and his father tells him to “toughen up” or that “men don’t cry"When a man calls women “sluts” or “whores” for having sex outside of monogamous relationshipsWhen a man tells his partner what they can and cannot wear, and who they are and are not allowed to spend time withThe violence against trans women that occurs every year by men who are threatened by a perceived violation of gender normsWhen men criticize other men for being attracted to, or in relationships with, trans womenWhen a man is afraid to be emotionally vulnerable with his partner for fear of seeming “weak"When a man who is struggling with his mental health doesn’t want to see a therapist because he should “man up” or “power through it”

The APA’s Guidelines

Over the years, the American Psychological Association (APA) began to recognize that societal pressures placed on men can have drastic consequences for individuals as well as society. Members of the APA created new guidelines for psychological practices that treat boys and men to help address some of the problems associated with toxic masculinity. Researchers found that when they stripped away stereotypes and cultural expectations, there weren’t many differences in the basic behaviors between men and women. Time diary studies (studies that have participants log diary entries of their activities) showed that men enjoy caring for children just as much as women. Differences in emotional displays between boys and girls are relatively small and not always in a stereotypical fashion. For example, a 2013 study found that adolescent boys actually display fewer externalizing emotions such as anger, than adolescent girls. The new APA guidelines were created to help psychologists support men in breaking free of masculinity rules that do more harm than good.                        Follow Now: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts 

A Word From Verywell

If you feel like you’re experiencing the negative effects of toxic masculinity, reach out to someone. A mental health professional can help you recognize how it’s affecting your life and help you break free from the unhealthy patterns that may be keeping you stuck. The more people learn about toxic masculinity and the more people get help for it, the more likely we are to see changes on a bigger level as society may put less pressure on men to act a certain way.