Emotional Sensitivities and ADHD

Emotional self-control, particularly as it relates to difficult emotions like frustration, anger, or sadness, can be very challenging for someone with ADHD. It is painful to experience negative feelings so deeply and have little ability to control your response. What’s more, emotional sensitivities can often affect social interactions when others are on the receiving end of these strong emotions. At this point, it is unclear whether the symptoms related to emotional dysregulation are caused by ADHD itself, or comorbid psychiatric conditions such as borderline personality disorder (BPD), also known as emotional dysregulation syndrome. Some people with ADHD may simply feel more sensitive to negative statements, complaints, or even gentle suggestions from others than a person who did not grow up with ADHD.

ADHD and Physical Sensitivities

ADHD hypersensitivity can extend to physical surroundings. Sounds as subtle as the humming of the air conditioning or lights from a flickering candle or the scratching from a tag on a shirt can become major distractions. When a person is unable to filter and inhibit their responses to incoming stimuli—like sights and sounds—everything becomes a distraction. Instead of having problems with inattention, this person may pay attention to everything whether it is relevant or not. This can be very disorienting. Difficulties integrating sensory input may also contribute to physical sensitivities. A simple pat on the shoulder from a caring teacher may feel irritating to some students with ADHD. As a result, the reaction creates problems for this child and confusion for the teacher. For adults with ADHD, these sensitivities around touch and sensory stimulation can also create quite a few problems in intimate relationships.

Coping with Hypersensitivity in ADHD

Although hypersensitivity and heightened emotions can feel like a burden at times, certain techniques can help you cope and use these traits to your advantage:

Develop greater self-awareness. Pay attention to what evokes exaggerated reactions for you, and proactively brainstorm ways to deal with those situations productively. Recognize that this hypersensitivity is part of your disorder, not a weakness or character flaw. This can help you avoid unnecessary, destructive self-criticism. Maintain a constructive attitude when dealing with criticism at work. Assume the other person is “on your side,” with the same work goals. Try focused breathing when you feel anxious. Build regular exercise into your life. Schedule routine downtime every day. Recharging and replenishing your emotional reserves is an important part of ADHD self-care.

If these issues continue to be troublesome for you, talk with your doctor and, together, develop strategies for managing these sensitivities in your daily life.