Let’s talk about the different kinds of phobias, their physical and psychological effects, how to talk to your family and friends about your condition, and what support resources are available. You may also worry that your loved ones will “label” you, and treat you as if you are sick. In turn, your friends may either coddle you in a way you wish they wouldn’t or on the other hand, avoid you. A therapist may be able to guide you as you bring up these difficult discussions. In general, it’s best to be as honest as possible. If you try to minimize the distress you are experiencing due to a phobia, your friends will not be fully able to appreciate the discomfort you are having.

Phobias can cause severe anxiety and the emotional and physical responses that accompany anxiety.​Phobias can be isolating. Some phobias (especially agoraphobia) can lead you to avoid social situations. Not only are you left alone, but you then have time to wonder why you can’t be like everyone else.Phobias can be embarrassing. You may be embarrassed by reactions of friends to your phobia (“You’re afraid of what?”) and by the decisions you may make due to your phobia (when you decline an all-expenses-paid trip to a beautiful resort destination because you are afraid to fly).Phobias can leave you feeling helpless. Just as others wonder why you can’t simply not be afraid, you may feel at a loss for being unable to control your phobia. This feeling of helplessness can also leave you feeling much less control over your whole life.

Many people find it helpful to read first-person accounts of people’s personal struggles with phobias. Others search for the latest treatment information. Many find that simply speaking with someone who has been there making things a bit easier to handle. Although many people who experience phobias have similar concerns despite the type of phobia they have, each type of phobia also brings with it specific concerns. It may take you a while to find the right support group or support community, but once you do you’ll be glad you took the time. Even if your family and friends totally get what you are coping with, there is something special about being able to talk with others who are facing some of the same challenges. There are many treatment options for phobias, including several types of therapy and counseling. If you have a specific phobia, you may be fearful of new situations. You may worry that the object of your fear will be present. It is this fear of your fear that can turn a specific phobia into something which significantly disrupts your life. Exposure therapies, including systematic desensitization, are the preferred treatment for specific phobias.  Thankfully, once the disorder is recognized, there are methods of treating coping with agoraphobia.